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Sponsorship Program

Giving them a better future with Jesus

Impacting their life forever…

Reaching more young people around us!

In San Cristóbal Verapaz, young people lose job opportunities because they do not have access to a good education.

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Sponsorship program:

More than 45% of the student population don’t pass sixth grade due to different family or economic problems they face. They decide to look for a job to support household expenses or sometimes, the lack of a parent or both parents can cause young people to focus on other areas to try to make a living.

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What they said

What our students say about our Sponsorship Program.

Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship Program

In San Cristóbal Verapaz, young people lose job opportunities because they do not have access to a good education.

More than 45% of the student population don’t pass sixth grade due to the different family or economic problems they face. They decide to look for a job to support household expenses or sometimes, the lack of a parent or both parents can cause young people to focus on other areas to try to make a living.

In some cases, they choose drugs or alcohol or other vices to have an escape from these problems.

With the scholarship program we have the opportunity to give life and hope to these young people who are in a difficult situation, either due to economic or family problems.

Our sponsorship program is focused on two specific areas:

Academic area: This is where academic excellence is sought through weekly tutorials for each of the students and is supported with different tools so that they reach a high academic level.

Spiritual area: This is where counseling and spiritual discipleship are provided weekly, where issues related to their personal life are addressed and, in this way, achieve a closer bond with our Father.

Our scholarship program seeks to cover everything necessary so that students can perform with high performance during each school year. But the main objective is to disciple them and bring them closer to having a real close relationship with God.

The approximate cost to cover the expenses of an average student is $510 annually.


We currently have 13 active students in this 2024 school year that begins in January. We are acting in faith, and we ask for your prayers so that the scholarship program can grow as much as God wants it to.

You can support us by donating in the following form.

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