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Short Term Missions

That your heart may be:



Help us to change lives

Short term mission trips are one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone and into another culture and be able to experience God in a new and fresh way. I have found that many who go on a STM really get a vision for the nations and what God is doing and end up being a great blessing to those that are on the mission field full time.


Requirements for travel:

Passport: You can apply for your passport at most any post office. You should allow 4-6 weeks to get it after applying. It may take longer so, the sooner the better. 


For requirements to apply for your passport, go to: 


Copy of passport: You need to make two copies of your passport: one to keep with you, in your suitcase or carry on, the other one to give to a trusted friend or family member who can be called to help if you loose your passport or it gets stolen while here. 


Visa: When you arrive in Guatemala you will get your passport stamped with a visitors visa at customs in the airport. You will receive a form to fill out on the plane for your visa.

One of the questions will be, “Where will you be staying while visiting Guatemala?” You should write, “San Cristobal Verapaz, A.V.”


Insurance: You need to have an insurance policy for your trip. It is inexpensive and usually your personal policy will not cover travel to other countries. You can go to many different web sites to find travel insurance…here is an example:


Flight: It is best if you book your own flights. You will be flying into Guatemala city Guatemala GUA There are a lot of sights that do cheap tickets.

You can also go directly to the airlines and make reservations with them. If you have a large enough group you can hold your tickets with a deposit in advance, you can only do this directly with the airlines.

You need to plan your arrival and departure times into Guatemala city around noon…10:00am – 2:00pm. We have a 4-hour drive up to our place and it can take an hour to get through customs.

Daily: $40 per person per day. This starts the day you arrive in the country and ends the day you leave San Cristobal.

Transportation while in the country: $1500 will cover your transportation needs while you are with us in the country.

Project: $3000-$6000

Project: $3000-$6000

Project: $3000-$6000

  • Wood cook stove. $250.00 a piece.
  • Water filtration system, with holding tank. $400.00
  • Concrete block house. $6000.00
  • Latrines $300.00 a piece.

Medical teams: You will be doing medical outreaches through medical clinics. Which requires extra medicine. Some of it you will be able to bring, most of it we will purchase here, which will be $1000.00.

Translator: $200 for the week.

Extras: You may want some snacks, sodas, and or gifts during your stay… $150 – $200 is sufficient but if you want to bring more that is Ok. Make sure all money is clean…no tears, marks or missing corners.

Exchanging money: It is best if you change your money while in the airport, you have to do this at the bank before you get to baggage claim.

Visa/Master card: If you plan to use your credit or debit card while here, for example, taking money out of an ATM machine (which is a little risky). You must advise your bank that you will be traveling to Guatemala and the dates.

Hotel in Guatemala City: $50 per person, two people to a room.

The team will also need to cover the cost of 1 room for your guides while traveling in Antigua. The hotel serves a great breakfast buffet, which is included in the price.

Food in Antigua and Guatemala City: The cost of food can vary; you should figure $10.00 – $15.00 per meal depending on where you want to eat. We would ask you to also pay for the 2 tour guides meals in Antiqua and Guatemala City.

Tips: There are a few places that you will need to give tips.

  • When you come into the airport there are guys that will help you with your bags wether you want them to or not. The tip would be $10.00 for the 2 guys.
  • The restaurant we eat at each day, $50.00 total for the week would cover everyone.
  • At the hotel in Guatemala City, the breakfast is included, but the tip is not, you need to figure $3.00 or Q20.00 per person.

Offering to the ministry: We are here to serve you and the people of Guatemala.

We are working here and would appreciate your contribution so that we can continue working and serving the people of Guatemala.

When to have your money in: We need to have the money for your trip 30 days in advance, this helps facilitate getting materials onto the jobsite.

You can send a check to Cross Commission, PO Box 1, Hillsboro IL. 62049 All monies are non refundable.

Things to bring:


  • 1 T-shirt per day
  • 2-3 pairs of Jeans/pants
  • 1 Pair of underwear per day
  • 1 Pair of socks per day
  • 1 Church outfit
  • 2 Work outfits that can be ruined
  • Good walking shoes
  • Flip-flops
  • Rain jacket/poncho
  • Light weight jacket
  • hoodie or sweat shirt (can be cool in the evening)
  • Modest swim suit no two-piece swim suits
  • If you bring shorts (NO SHORT SHORTS…MUST BE TO THE KNEE)
  • No shorts in the villages


  • You are required to purchase your own travel health insurance.
  • Make a copy of your policy and give it to your team leader.
  • Keep the number of the policy
  • the name of the company
  • the address and phone number with you.


  • Toothpaste/toothbrush
  • Soap
  • Shampoo/conditioner
  • Shaving gear
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene items
  • Blow dryer
  • curling iron
  • flat iron…not recommended.
  • Personal water bottle
  • 1 towel…lightweight…they dry faster
  • Sunscreen and aloe for those who forget to bring sunscreen
  • Bible/notebook/pen
  • Small backpack
  • 1 Roll of toilet paper
  • Bug spray
  • Flashlight
  • 1 Pair of work gloves
  • Sunglasses


  • Dramamine…the roads are very curvy
  • Tylenol or Advil
  • Pepto Bismol
  • Contact lenses-bring enough contact solution for the duration of your stay (it is expensive here)
  • Prescription meds must be in their original containers and enough for the duration of your stay


  • Granola bars
  • Power bars
  • Protein bars
  • Candy bars…


  • Candy
  • Balloons
  • Bracelets
  • Hair ties/elastics
  • Pencils
  • Fingernail polish
  • etc…


You should visit this web site for up to date information on vaccinations:

Here One thing we suggest is to make sure your tetanus shot is up to date, also.

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