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About Cross Commission

Cross Commission was founded in 1993 by John and Donna Reynolds. The heart and namesake of Cross Commission can be found in the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19: “Go and make disciples of all nations…” For over 10 years, Cross Commission carried out this vision based in Central Illinois.

Through discipleship and mime training, John and Donna led mime troops to the corners of the United States and out into the nations of the World. In July 2004 God began writing a new chapter in the lives of the Reynolds family and the ministry of Cross Commission, facilitating a move to Central America.

People reached by 2022

Communities around San Cristobal impacted
People reached in the communities so far
Young people reached every month
Serving, equipping and sharing the Gospel in Guatemala since 2007

Rocked for Missions

Core Values: MissionGoalsPrioritiesFaithAccountability

To build relationships, plant seeds, and water those seeds. we are praying for God to give the increase and to develop a deeper life in Jesus… 1 Corinthians. 3:6. we are building relationships through the ministry of a youth center (the Extreme Zone). While playing games with the youth, we plant the seeds of the gospel in the soil of friendship; praying for God to bring in the harvest of souls.

To reach our community and it’s surrounding communities with the gospel, discipling young people.

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